
A chance to make your voice heard on climate change

British Methodists are being offered the opportunity to maketheir views heard on climate change, as part of a new Church-wideconsultation.

The consultation concerns the draft Methodist Conference Statementon climate change, entitled 'Hope in God's Future' and is now liveonline at www.methodist.org.uk/higf.

Once adopted, a Methodist Conference Statement is the official viewof the Church on a particular matter. It is also referred to by keyChurch committees, such as the Faith and Order Committee, whendeciding on related areas of doctrine.

"Climate change is an issue that affects all of us and isincreasingly becoming a concern for many people around the world,"said David Webster, Internet Communications Coordinator, who isleading the consultation process. "We hope as many Methodists aspossible put forward their opinions, as we need a ConferenceStatement that reflects as much as possible the view of the entireChurch on this important issue."

The results will determine recommendations to the MethodistConference in 2011 on what shape the Statement should take, and isopen to all Methodist church members and regular attendees.

For those without Internet access, the consultation is alsoavailable in print form. Copies can be obtained from the Help Deskat Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR orby calling 020 7486 5502.