
President offers condolences following the death of the Queen Mother

The President of the Methodist Church has written to the Queento express her condolences on behalf of the Methodist peoplefollowing the death of the Queen Mother. The full text of theletter follows:

Easter Sunday 2002
Dear Private Secretary

May I ask you to convey to Her Majesty the condolences of allwho belong to the British Methodist Church on the very sad loss ofher mother, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother?

The Methodist people will share with the whole country inmourning one who has been for us all a sign and symbol of ournational life, and a source of stability in a century of rapid andsometimes bewildering change. Many of us remember with greatgratitude the Queen Mother's partnership with her late husband KingGeorge VI in the first years of his accession and the dark days ofthe war, in which her steadfastness and determination did so muchto sustain our national life and spirit. All of us honour the eightdecades of public service in which she gave herself unstintingly,and in so doing gave pleasure to thousands with her love of lifeand her warm graciousness.

We are very conscious of the burden upon the Queen, and all theRoyal Family, of this second grievous loss so soon after the deathof Princess Margaret. We are sad that Her Majesty's Golden Jubileecannot now be the unshadowed celebration to which we have lookedforward. But we shall have an even keener sense of the heritage ofselfless service into which Her Majesty has entered, and which sheherself has carried on with such faithfulness and suchdistinction.

The Methodist people will be celebrating today the resurrectionof Our Lord Jesus Christ. There will, I know, be many heartfeltprayers that resurrection faith will sustain our Queen and all theRoyal Family at this time of loss and distress. The prayers, andthe affection with which they are offered, will continue.

I am, on behalf of the British Methodist family,

Yours sincerely,
The Rev Christina le Moignan
President of the Methodist Conference