
What's on the agenda in Llandudno at the Methodist Conference 2003

What's on the agenda in Llandudno at the MethodistConference 2003

Anglican-Methodist Covenant

This joint-report of the Methodist Church and Church of Englandproposes a national covenant between the two Churches. Methodistchurches, circuits and districts have voted on whether to acceptthe covenant during the past 12 months, as have similar Anglicanstructures. The results of these votes along with a recommendationto accept the Covenant will be put to the Conference on Tuesday 1July. The same recommendations will be put to the Church of EnglandGeneral Synod later in July. The Covenant, if accepted by bothchurches, would be a mutual affirmation for the first time of thelife and ministry of each other's churches.

Racial justice: concern over asylum seekers and farright politicians

"Some say the hidden cost of 11 September 2001 is an unashamedracism," says this stark report by the Methodist Committee forRacial Justice. It says that some governments' policies seem togive justification to popular racism - and warns about theresurgence of Europe's extreme right and anti-immigration politicalparties. This new racism is signalled by the demonisation of asylumseekers as 'flooding', 'sponging' and 'bogus'. It is noted withdismay that this 'criminalisation' of asylum seekers has descendedinto violence and protest in some communities. The report says that"black membership is one of the most visible areas of growths inMethodism yet black people remain invisible and silent particularlyin leadership roles". It calls on Methodists to speak out moreclearly and take personal action against all instances of racism.Among its suggestions are: "Refuse to laugh at racist jokes, walkout or complain to management or organisers of shows."

A General Secretary for the MethodistChurch

The report 'Leadership in the Methodist Church' will ask theConference to appoint the first-ever General Secretary of theMethodist Church (Monday 30 June). The Rev David Deeks is beingnominated for the six-year office from 1 September 2003. TheGeneral Secretary, who will also be Secretary of the MethodistConference, will be executive leader of the Church's ConnexionalTeam and will work alongside other senior officers including theMethodist District Chairs in developing the key strategic decisionsfor the Church in Britain.

EU Employment Directives and employment rights ofministers

The Government is in the process of implementing EU Employmentand Race Directives, which extend anti-discriminatory practices inemployment to new areas such as sexual orientation and religion.Regulations will come into force across Britain in December 2003.Meanwhile, the Department of Trade and Industry plans to publishthe next stage of its plans on statutory employment rights in July2003. The DTI is considering a number of options on rights thatmight be extended to ordained ministers, including a statutoryrequirement to treat ministers as if they were employed, an"opt-out" system for denominations with adequate self-regulatorysystems in place, or remaining with the status quo of ministersbeing office holders of a non-contractual status. The Conferencewill discuss the implications for ministers and deacons as resultof these proposals.

Increasing legislation facing civil society

Civil society - associations, groups and clubs including theChurches - has historically given colour, variety and genuineamateurism to local community life. Government has traditionallyintervened in civil society only with the lightest touch. But therehas been a rapid escalation of regulation by Government into areasof civil society such as the safeguarding of children, theinstitution of marriage, health and safety rules, andaccountability for the use of money. The Conference will discussthe pressures increasing legislation places on church life. Is thisa necessary consequence of a democracy that Methodism has longchampioned or should Methodists resent the layer upon layer ofregulation coming our way from the EU and British Government? Doesthere come a point when the Church is forced to consider civildisobedience?

Facing a time of radical change

A paper, "Where are we heading?" suggests that the Church isfacing a time of radical institutional change. Rising costs,inappropriate organisational structures, the burden ofinappropriate or too many buildings and the strain of trying to'fill vacant offices' from a declining and ageing membership, allchallenge Methodist members. This will open up a discussion by theConference on a possible future in which the Church recoversconfidence in its faith and worship and encourages a risk-taking,flexible and focused mission.

Methodist pension schemes

The Methodist Church, like all organisations and charities, hasseen the value of its investments take a dip last year. One keyarea affected is the Methodist ministers' pension scheme, whichfaces a deficit of £11million. The Conference is being asked toapprove a 3.5% increase in contributions to overcome this deficit.Meanwhile the smaller pension scheme for lay employees isincreasing contributions by 4.9%, of which 1% will be contributedby lay employees themselves.

Other subjects

Guidelines will be considered to allow Christians of otherchurches to hold 'dual membership' inthe Methodist Church. The Conference will see a policy statement onthe ethics of investing in MiningCompanies and will hear that the Church's CentralFinance Board used its shares in several companies to voteagainst excessive executive pay in thepast year. A look back at Methodist-Roman Catholicrelations since the 1960s will call for fresh effortsto underline that lay ministry is valued alongside ordainedministries. A report on the Methodist understandingof Holy Communion will seek for theChurch to grasp afresh the importance of Holy Communion as itacknowledges that Methodism may have failed to respond to thedesire of other Churches for a fuller doctrinal development. AMethodist Youth Conference report will raise questionsaboutschool bullying and ease the wayfor young people to become members of churchcouncils.

Speakers during Conference week

Mr Alan Bookbinder, BBC Head of Religion &Ethics, gives the Beckly Lecture on "Religion's PublicPlace", where he sets out the challenge of the religious communityto make its voice heard publicly (Fringe meeting, Wednesday 2July). Lord Hattersleywill be interviewed bythe Rev Leslie Griffiths on his latest book "John Wesley: A Brandfrom the Burning" (Fringe meeting, Thursday 3 July).

Outgoing President of the Methodist Conference,the Rev Ian White, reflects on his time inoffice and offers a few parting challenges for the Church. NewMethodist Conference President, the Rev Dr NeilRichardson, will be inducted and will address theConference (Saturday 28 June). New Methodist VicePresident, Mrs Judy Jarvis, will address theConference (Sunday 29 June).

Methodist Conference 2003 index