
New Methodist President calls for renewed discipleship

The Revd Graham Carter, new President of the MethodistConference, today called on the Church to take up the challenge ofdiscipleship. Graham told the Conference 'the kingdom needswholehearted disciples. Nothing must be allowed to get in theway.'

Graham said that too often the church has equated discipleship withholding office or doing some work. 'This is nonsense!' he told thepacked hall at the Edinburgh Conference Centre. 'Christ calls allhis people to serve him with the whole of their lives.' Thisdiscipleship is about how you live at work, at home and in thecommunity. Graham said this is a tough challenge, and the role ofthe Church should be to provide practical support for people'sdiscipleship in a complex world.

Building on the work of his predecessors as President, Grahamreminded the Conference of Tom Stuckey's talk of the inspiration ofthe Holy Spirit; Will Morrey's theme of listening to God and NeilRichardson's challenge for the Church to focus on God in Christ.'Christ calls us to be prepared to leave home and follow him. Our'home' is whatever we are familiar and comfortable with É but thecall to discipleship is a call to walk with strangers, treadunfamiliar paths and risk doing new things.'