
Young people have their say on priorities of Methodist Church


  • Young people have had their say on their priorities for the MethodistChurch
  • Poverty, the environment, bullying and the refugee crisis amongtop concerns


Young Methodists from across the country have taken theopportunity to share their priorities and passions for theirChurch, highlighted for the very first time in three new'manifesto' documents.  

Following research undertaken at the Methodist Children's andYouth Assembly, 3 Generate, three manifestos outlining the foci ofthe different age groups have been  published online. This new venture is intended to raise thevoices of the young people of the Church and highlight the real andvaried concerns close to their hearts.

Split into the three age group tiers of the assembly - 8-11s,11-18s and 18-23s - the manifestos highlight many different issuesimportant to young Methodists including: the environment, poverty,bullying, disability accessibility and the refugee crisis.

Craig Gaffney, Youth President of the Methodist Church added:"These statements are essential reading for all Methodists acrossthe Connexion. It is vital that everyone in the Church engages withthe voice of young people and the topics close to their hearts. Allof the issues raised should be important to the whole Church andits membership and should be a regular focus for any Christianliving out their faith."

Craig continued: "It's so encouraging to see that the youngpeople of the Methodist Church are so passionate about social andglobal issues. I am proud to be part of a Church where even ouryoungest members have a heart for those in need." 



  1. 3Generate, the Methodist Children & Youth Assembly,is an action-packed weekend for hearing the voice of children andyoung people across the Methodist Church, focussing on fun, faithand friends. For more information,  see theirwebsite.
  2. For more information about themanifestos, click here.
  3. Craig Gaffney, Youth President of the Methodist Church isavailable for interview. Please contact Media Officer TobyFairclough for more information.