
Who becomes a church steward?

Across the Connexion, and among church stewards, all backgrounds, ages and races are represented. However, there are some common personal qualities among those who take on the role of church steward.

Some of these qualities are,

  • Enthusiasm and friendliness 
  • Commitment to values of trust, reliability and confidentiality 
  • Faithful spirituality, meaning a commitment to prayer, people, worship and the encouraging of gifts in others 
  • Prepared to live as an example of Christian living 

Because this is such a crucial role in the local church it is vital that church stewards feel confident in their abilities and are clear about the expectations of the circuit, the congregation, other stewards or ministers.

Church stewards are required to be members of the Local Church (or supernumerary ministers stationed in the Circuit) by Standing Order 632. Standing Orders can be found in Volume 2 of CPD