- Festivals and Seasons: Lent
- Worship Resources: Lent and Easter
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Theme: The Faithful Christ in Lent
- Theme: Repentance and Forgiveness
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
- Festivals and Seasons: Easter
- General: Lectionary
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Worship Resources: Lent and Easter
- Festivals and Seasons: Lent
- Festivals and Seasons: Easter
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
- Worship Resources: Lent and Easter
- Festivals and Seasons: Lent
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
- Worship Resources: Lent and Easter
- Worship Resources: Making the most of hymns
- Authors & translators: Sardeson, Anne J.
- Theme: Conflict, Suffering and Doubt
- Theme: Death, Judgement, Eternal Life
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
- Worship Resources: Lent and Easter
- Festivals and Seasons: Easter
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Authors & translators: Crum, J. M .C.