
Lent Resources 2022

Life on the Breadline: a weekly online Bible study during Lent

In 2018 an estimated 14.2 million people were living in poverty in the UK, including more than 25% of children.

What does poverty look like in the UK today, and how can the Church respond?

A weekly Lent Bible study with Church on the Margins, the Joint Public Issues Team, Church Action on Poverty and Life on the Breadline.

The first four Thursdays of Lent, from 7-8:30pm

First session Thursday 3 March

Register free here


Let Wisdom Speak – 2022 Lent Devotional from All We Can

‘Wisdom cries out in the street; in the squares she raises her voice.’

You are invited to listen to the voices of Joanna Adeyinka-Burford, Dr Selina Stone, Revds Sonia Hicks, Helen Cameron and Chan Kaur-Mann, the stories of All We Can’s partners and the reflections of several Methodist Women in Britain, in a devotional resource designed for you to journey with throughout the Lenten season.

Read more and download your resources here




Cry for Hope in Lent

Cry for Hope in Lent’ is a series of five studies held online on Sunday evenings, starting 6 March and organised by Kairos, Palestine.

There will be two speakers each week, time for questions and then for group discussion. The speakers are from Palestine, Israel, South Africa, Germany, and US as well as the UK, including Revd Munther Isaac, Dr Allan Boesak, Professor Ulrich Duchrow and Mark Braverman.

Read more and register here



Lent in Worship and Reflection 

Suggestions for Hymns and other worship resources to use during Lent