Sunday 24 May, 2020

7th Sunday of Easter (Sunday in Ascensiontide) and Aldersgate Sunday

Hymns and readings listed for today are also suitable for use on Thursday 21st (Ascension Day), and vice versa.

See additional hymns for Aldersgate Sunday below.

Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are not mentioned again in other sections but may be considered appropriate elsewhere.

During this Easter season, many readings refer to, or reflect upon, Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension - culminating in Pentecost Sunday on 31 May. Many suggestions may prove suitable for other Sundays. 

In addition, a range of hymns published on StF+ are suggested for this period:

A new day dawns
And did God’s feet in ancient time
God eternal, timeless moment
God who knows our darkest moments
In this house all people will be welcome
Like Thomas
Mary, you were there
One, two, three for you and me
Safe, locked inside that upper room
The name of Jesus
The world is fraught with danger
Was it the shaking ground that moved
What peace is there for tarnished lives
When our futures are uncertain

Acts 1: 6-14

(Also see suggestions for Acts 1: 1-11, Ascension Day)

Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (StF 297)
Christ triumphant, ever reigning (StF 319)
Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (StF 300)
Like the murmur of the dove’s song (StF 389)

Psalm 68: 1-10, 32-35

Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme

Amen siakudumisa (Amen! Praise the name of the Lord!) (StF 770)
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath (StF 79)
Sing of the Lord’s goodness, Father of all wisdom (StF 65)

1 Peter 4: 12-14; 5: 6-11

At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow (StF 317)
Heaven shall not wait (StF 701)
The Church of Christ, in every age (StF 415)
The head that once was crowned with thorns (StF 312)
When our caring love grows thin (StF 622)

John 17: 1-11

Earth's creator, everyday God (StF 45)
In Christ there is no east or west (StF 685)
One is the body and one is the Head (StF 688)
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord (StF 710)


Or for Conversion of John and Charles Wesley

This is Aldersgate Sunday – marking the anniversary of John Wesley’s transformative experience in a meeting room in Aldersgate Street, London. In his journal, Wesley recorded that, during a reading from Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, he felt that his heart was "strangely warmed." This is regarded as a key moment in the beginnings of the 18th century Methodist revival. You may find the following hymns suitable if marking this occasion. Also see: Aldersgate – what changed for the Wesleys? – Wesley (and Wesley-related) hymns and links to “the Wesley story”

       Isaiah 12: 1-6 or Isaiah 51: 1-3, 7-11
       Psalm 130
       Romans 5: 1-11 or 2 Peter 1: 1-11
       Mark 12: 28-37 or Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20

And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour's blood? (StF 345)
Away with our fears! (StF 458)
How small a spark has lit a living fire! (StF 408)
Now I have found the ground wherein sure my soul's anchor may remain (StF 561)
O for a thousand tongues to sing (StF 364)
Where shall my wondering soul begin? (StF 454)
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim (StF 340)

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Next Page Thursday 21 May, 2020