Sunday 02 January 2011

Bible Book:

"When King Herod heard this, he was frightened..." (v. 3)

Matthew 2:1-12 Sunday 2 January 2011


This Sunday's reading from Matthew's Gospel is the story of thevisit of the wise men to Bethlehem. Nativity play costumes, carolsabout "three kings of orient", and extravagant presents of gold,frankincense and myrrh tend to clothe this story with an exotic,fairy-tale air. But it is actually a pretty tough story. When thewise men set off home, Jesus' family, like many in the world today,became refugees and had to go into exile (verses 13-15). And all the children in andaround Bethlehem who are under two years of age were slaughtered(verse 16). (But most people don't get thisfar in the story.) 

Herod found the news of this child's birth a threat and was"frightened". Perhaps not surprisingly. In the comedy play, Jesusmy boy, Tom Conti played the part of Joseph. In one scene, inconversation with the wise men, he says, "So you told the old Kingof the Jews that there's a new King of the Jews. And you callyourselves wise men?" 

For Christians, the coming of Jesus is clearly not frightening. Itis a good news story of the one who comes as light into the world'sdarkest places. And one of the things the visit of the wise menindicates is that Jesus' coming is for everyone (hence this week'stheme of 'light for all'), not just for the people of Israel, butfor all people. It is good news for all the world. 

But, even though it is good news for all the world, there have beenand still are those who are threatened by this story - situationswhere the Church is not seen as a benevolent, supportive presencebut as a major threat to powerful interests or the status quo;places where darkness is preferred because the light shows uppeople's behaviour for what it really is. 

To Ponder

What situations do you know about whereChristians are persecuted and the Church is seen as a threat?Why?

Are we too used to Christianity being comfortableand safe? What might you do to change this?

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