Thursday 25 February 2016

Bible Book:

Jeremiah 17:5-10 Thursday 25 February 2016

Psalm: Psalm 42


After reading these verses from Jeremiah, it is worth comparingverses 5-8 with Psalm 1 and verses 9-10 with Psalm26:1-3, noticing both the similarities and the differences.

One of the key words in this passage, another of Jeremiah'slaments, is 'trust': "those who trust in mere mortals" (v. 5) arecompared with "those who trust in the Lord" (v. 7); the former aresaid to be like "a shrub in the desert" (v. 6) and the latter like"a tree planted by water" (v. 8). Since the verses just before thispassage speak of the people of Judah engaging in idolatry, losingtheir God-given heritage, and serving their enemies in an unknownland, this matter of trust is as much a political matter as apersonal one. In this context, trust has a sense of allegiance andwe know that Jeremiah was highly critical of the alliance withEgypt against Assyria (Jeremiah 2:14-19, 36-37).

Another key word is 'heart' (vv. 5, 9, 10). In the OldTestament, the heart is the source of thought and reflection aswell as being the centre of emotions. In a very famous verse -verse 9 - a very negative view of the heart is expressed: it isdevious above all else and perverse. The question is, 'Who canunderstand it?' The divine reply is that God tests the mind andsearches the heart (see Psalm139:23), and that God gives to all according to their ways andthe fruit of their doing.

To Ponder

  • What would you say to someone who pointed to examples of thosewho do not trust in God but appear to flourish and those who dotrust in God but suffer?
  • The prayer called the Collect for Purity acknowledges that toGod "all hearts are open" and "all desires known", and that fromGod "no secrets are hidden". How do you respond to theseacknowledgements?
  • The second part of that prayer asks, "cleanse the thoughts ofour hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we mayperfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name". Whatparticular thoughts of your heart do you long for God tocleanse?

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