Thursday 25 May 2023

Bible Book:

When this became known to all residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, everyone was awestruck; and the name of the Lord Jesus was praised. (v. 17)

Acts 19:1-20 Thursday 25 May 2023

Psalm 50:1-15


Arriving from Corinth, Paul  stayed in Ephesus for more than two years. It was the home of the great Temple of Artemis – one of the Seven Wonders of the World – an edifice dedicated to the cult of fertility. And just as importantly, in the context of this chapter, Ephesus was a centre for pagan superstition, charms, spells and magic.

While preaching, Paul encountered a small group of disciples who had made a commitment to change the direction of their lives (repented), but had not yet received the Holy Spirit. They had received the baptism of John (v. 3), which convinced them to amend their lifestyles, but they had not been baptised into the name of Jesus (v. 4), to whom John pointed. Paul now baptised them in the name of Jesus and they received the Holy Spirit, crowning their commitment, enabling their discipleship, and sealing their relationship with Christ, through whom new life becomes possible.

So it is that the remainder of this passage presents a curious and somewhat disjointed expression of amended lifestyles, corrupted practice and anointed power worked out in the community.

God’s power is demonstrated powerfully through Paul’s ministry and many are healed. (vs 11-12) Seeing this power, and assuming it to be an expression of the much-heralded Ephesian magic, others try to claim that power for their own ends (vs 13-16) resulting in an almost comical scene.

And a third group are so moved by the power of God active in their community that they feel compelled to amend their ways (v. 19), burning their valuable books of spells as a sign of their new-found commitment to Jesus.

It a complex picture, reflecting the equally complex society into which the gospel was breaking, but it serves to remind us that commitment to change without Holy Spirit power to change is likely to falter. It reminds us that sometimes the Holy Spirit power of God is misrepresented in community. And it reminds us that Holy Spirit signs and wonders demonstrated in community, combined with faithful presentation of Jesus’ good news, can bring challenge and change to even the most hard-set communities and the people who make them up. And when that happens, today, just as centuries ago "the name of the Lord Jesus is praised".


To Ponder:

  • What have you heard or seen this week that caused you to praise the name of the Lord?
  • How is the Spirit of God challenging you to amend the patterns, pastimes or priorities of your life?


Lord God, I long to open every part of my life to your plan and purpose. Help me to see the things that I must change. Help to seek your Spirit to help me change. And give me the assurance that you love me even if I falter. Amen.

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