Wednesday 02 November 2022

Bible Book:

'For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.' (vs 20-21)

Matthew 17:14-27 Wednesday 2 November 2022

Psalm 97


Today’s reading continues the story from earlier in the week when Jesus was transformed and spoke to Elijah and Moses on the mountain top (Matthew 17:1-13). As Jesus and his three disciples were going down the mountain, they were met with the existence of evil in a very prominent way; a young man inflicted with an evil spirit taking possession of his mind and body.

Though the boy’s father referred to him having epilepsy in this Bible translation, Jesus healed the boy by rebuking the demon whose presence was causing the condition. The father had asked Jesus’ disciples to heal the boy, yet they had failed to do so. When Jesus heard this he responded in frustration, calling them faithless and perverse. (v. 17)

We can almost hear the weariness or perhaps disappointment in Jesus’ voice as he chided the crowds for seemingly disappointing him and causing him to remain in their midst longer than he desired. The father and son may have been celebrating, but the disciples asked to heal the boy had questions for Jesus about their ineptitude.

Jesus told them the problem was the size of their faith: it just wasn’t enough to heal the boy. I believe Jesus was both kind and forgiving when he explained faith needs belief in what God will do, which is much more than we could ask or imagine. Jesus spoke of moving a mountain with just a bit of faith, all because of God’s approval of our faith and desire to use it.

In verses 22-23 Jesus tells his disciples that he will die and how he will return. In the disciples’ reaction we hopefully recognise our own weakness of faith at times. They only heard the declaration of Jesus’ death, and not hIs resurrection.


To Ponder:

  • Would you have been changed in any way after witnessing what took place on top of the mountain?
  •  Picture yourself at the bottom of the mountain. Would you have been changed in any way when you saw the boy healed?
  • This passage is complex and full of deep wisdom. It stands the test of time for those who struggle with faith and doubt. Take a quick inventory of those questions you have vis-a-vis the assurances you have experienced that Jesus is truly the son of God. 


Our God, thank you for the vision you give us of your son through the testimony of the gospel writers. Make our lives a living testimony to the love of Christ our Lord.


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