Saturday 15 January 2011

Bible Book:

"The word of God is living and active" (v. 12)

Hebrews 4:12-16 Saturday 15 January 2011


We have already seen that the author of Hebrews has a highregard for Scripture. In a previous passage, he talks of Scripture as theHoly Spirit speaking to us. And in yesterday's reading, he talks ofan everlasting principle of obedience - a principle which isn'tjust something which applies to some ancient tribe wandering in thedesert but which applies throughout time.

Just so, God's word is now portrayed as something alive and active- as something which is able to see through time, as somethingwhich cuts through the darkness of our lives and reveals everythingto God. It's quite an aggressive picture - a word which is sharperthan a sword used for slashing, which can be used like a butcher'sknife cleaving apart the bones. God's word is not a tame, passiveword sat on the page. God's word is active, living - according toJohn's Gospel - the Word incarnate who become flesh and whose glorywas seen by the people (John1:14).

This word, this message, this sacrifice is offered to us by Jesusthe great High Priest. As one who became as we are, this HighPriest empathises with us - he knows what we go through, he haslived a life like we live with all its problems and worries andtemptations. But he survived intact - he did not sin. Where we arebroken, he remained whole.

As such, this priest shows us the way home - shows us the way toGod's throne of grace. Jesus the High Priest is the pioneer of oursalvation - the one who leads us to God that we might receive therest promised to us for all time. This promise remains forever. Itis not a passive promise. It is not a promise we need to make upourselves. It is a promise revealed through Jesus and through God'sword which lasts forever.

To Ponder

The idea of priesthood isn't very popular today -what images do you think of when you think of Jesus as the greatHigh Priest?

"God word is living and active" (v. 12). Is thisa comfortable or challenging thought? Why?

Take some time to approach God's throne of grace- you might want to use a hymn such as And can it be to guide your journeythere.

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