Tuesday 04 July 2023

Bible Book:

So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them; and he stayed there two days. And many more believed because of his word. (vs 40-41)

John 4:27-42 Tuesday 4 July 2023

Psalm 65


For the rest of the week, we will be looking at the events as recorded in chapters four and five of John’s Gospel. We pick up chapter four just as Jesus has met with a Samaritan woman. For centuries, Samaritans and Jews had lived side by side. They were joined by common spiritual roots, yet often in struggle and animosity with one another. Jesus has initiated the conversation with the Samaritan woman as she draws water from the well. Despite her shock at being engaged by a Jew, John records one of the longest conversations we can read about in the gospels. Our chosen verses for today pick up the story after the disciples return to the well and are naturally surprised to see the encounter before them. Interestingly, no-one questions Jesus’ actions!

The woman leaves her jar – her reason for being at the well – and hurries back to town to tell everyone about Jesus. His words and their conversation have revealed to her the possibility that he might just be the long-awaited Messiah. Her recalling of this extraordinary encounter offers others the chance to believe that he may indeed be. Our reading ends with the revelation that Jesus, the Jewish rabbi, was invited into the Samarian town. Quite the invitation! More so, after his two-day stay, many declared for themselves the belief that Jesus was the Messiah, after hearing him teach.


To Ponder:

  • Have you ever encountered something – or someone – that impacts your life in such a dramatic way? What was the result of that encounter?
  • How do you think you might seek to extend an invitation to someone who shares different views to you?


We pray that God will continue to open doors for others to experience Jesus for themselves. May we be both bold and respectful in our invitations to others.

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