Wednesday 25 October 2023

Bible Book:

He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance. (v. 15)

Hebrews 9:15, 24-28 Wednesday 25 October 2023

Psalm 150


The writer of today's passage continues to build on the theme of the new covenant from God being far superior to the first covenant given to Moses by emphasising that through Jesus’ death and resurrection a new relationship with God has been made possible.

The new covenant doesn’t last from one ritual ceremony to the next a few days later, or even between one Day of Atonement to the next the following year. This new covenant offers an eternal relationship with God, mediated through the actions of Christ. And more than that, it not only sets right the relationship going forward, but it also puts right the wrongs of the past: it “redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant.”  (v. 15) This is God making all things new through a cosmic act of forgiveness and reconciliation that is both prospective and retrospective.

The previous religious rituals, which the original audience for this letter would be very familiar with, needed to be repeated time after time. Even the High Priest had to perform the necessary actions each time prior to entering the Holy of Holies (v. 25). Once was not enough. And while material sacrifices might be enough for the ceremonial cleansing of an earthly sanctuary, whether a tent in the wilderness or within the great temple of Jerusalem, the writer suggests that there needed to be a sacrifice on an altogether different level to be able to approach God in a heavenly sanctuary that is not of human construction. “For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands... but he entered into heaven itself” (v. 24).

But crucially, this action was not for one person, it was “on our behalf” (v. 24). It was, and is, for all people. No one is excluded and nothing else is needed. This is a once and for all action.  Christ’s actions have removed humankind’s sin from the sight of God.


To Ponder:

  • People can become ill through a sense of guilt and worthlessness. Pray for those who need to hear and understand that they are forgiven and they can receive “the promised eternal inheritance”.
  • The writer suggests that Christ “will appear a second save those eagerly waiting for him.” (v. 28). Where have you seen the presence of Christ this week?


God of grace, I pray for this world and the many people, situations and places where there is a need for healing and reconciliation. May all people know your saving grace and seek to build relationships that are affirming, loving and worthy of the eternal inheritance you offer each one of us. Amen.

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