Saturday 04 November 2023

Bible Book:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (v. 8)

Hebrews 13:1-21 Saturday 4 November 2023

Psalm 11:1-5


The reading today comes from the final chapter of the book of Hebrews and includes practical actions that all Christians should do. It sums up what Christian lives should look like to outsiders. We are commanded to:

  • Love one another
  • Show hospitality to strangers
  • Visit and serve those in prison
  • Remain sexually pure
  • Not be consumed by a love of money
  • Imitate the conduct of leaders who shared the gospel with us
  • Not get distracted by extraneous teachings. 

These things apply just as much now as when the book of Hebrews was written. The same is true of the ‘let us’ statements from the previous chapters (see Monday's notes). All these exhortations are just as applicable to us in 21st century Britain as they were in 1st century Mediterranean cultures. 

And as if to underscore this point, partway through the list we have this incredible statement of eternal principles; “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (v. 8)

The unchanging nature of Jesus should give us confidence in our discipleship. He does not change, either in his nature, his theology or his actions. If he were here in the flesh today he would hold exactly the same views, exhibit exactly the same values, and call us to exactly the same actions, as he did when preaching nearly 2000 years ago.

Culture changes. Theological truth does not change. Worship and musical styles change. The heart worship of spirit and truth does not change. Society’s view of right and wrong changes. The biblical perspective of what is right and what is wrong does not change. And Jesus Christ is the same, for generations past, for generations present, and for generations to come.


To Ponder:

  • What would you say is the main message of the letter to the Hebrews?
  • Since Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, what do you think his main message would be to 21st century British society if he came and preached here today?


Lord Jesus, help us to distinguish between the constantly changing culture in which we live, and the eternal values to which you call us. Help us to stand firm, and exhibit the same Christian qualities that the early readers of Hebrews were called upon to demonstrate. Amen. 

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