Thursday 08 February 2024

Bible Book:

'No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light.' (v. 16)

Luke 8:16-18 Thursday 8 February 2024

Psalm 76


Today's passage continues from yesterday's, in which Jesus taught the parable of the sower. Today, he continues his teaching, addressing his disciples rather than the crowds.

The image of light is important in the teaching of Jesus, helping us to understand who he is, and who we are. In John’s Gospel, Jesus refers to himself as the ‘light of the world’ (John 8:12) and Genesis 1:3 says God’s very first act of creation was the allowing of light. "Let there be light." This light will dispel darkness and allow things to be seen and appreciated for what they truly are.

Light enables what is hidden to be seen clearly. It makes sense, therefore, that part of following Jesus, is the allowing of the Spirit to shine Christ’s light through us. It reveals what is true, good, loving and beautiful.

Jesus exhorts us to pay attention and to listen to what unique ways we can allow God’s creative light to shine in and through us –through our attitudes, relationships and the wider communities to which we belong.

The American pastor and author Rick Warren says that often the search for our purpose in life begins at the wrong starting point (ourselves). If we want to know why we are placed on this planet, we must begin with God. As humans, God has spoken each one of us into being. We were foreseen by God before the beginning of human time. Therefore, each of us has a particular human purpose in God’s created world. The purpose is a light that can only shine through us. If we don’t allow it, then this light will never be seen.


To Ponder:

  • How would you sum up your unique purpose in life, the reason why God loved you into being and put you on this planet?
  • In what ways have you nurtured and what ways quelled your light?
  • Open your heart to Christ, the light of the world, and hear his response to you as you express your joy and your sadness.
  • What difference, if any, is there between 'allowing' the light and ‘being’ the light?


God of infinite light, enlighten our hearts and minds, that we may see you a little more clearly, follow you a little more nearly and love you a little more dearly. Amen.

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