Friday 26 January 2024

Bible Book:

'If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.' (v. 32)

Luke 6:32-38 Friday 26 January 2024

Psalm 69:30-36


In November 1940 Coventry Cathedral was destroyed by enemy action. It was however, that tragedy which prompted the Provost, the Very Reverend Dick Howard, to say on national radio that once the war was over his vision was to work with those who had been enemies “to build a kinder, more Christ-Child like world."

Provost Howard did not wait until the conflict was over before committing to “to build a kinder, more Christ-Child like world” nor to begin leading the community to bring about that vision. His resolve saw a new cathedral built and the foundation of an international community committed to:

  • healing the wounds of history
  • learning to live with difference and celebrate diversity
  • building a culture of justice and peace.  

This is a practical reminder that becoming disciples of Jesus is not meant to be about self, but rather about service. Following Jesus is not primarily about benefitting me, or you. It is a response to Jesus, who is compassionate, forgiving, merciful and loving. Jesus calls us, not to hide away from the world, but to live in it, as ‘salt and light’.  He challenges us to live simply, and to love generously, both our friends, and our enemies.  After all, as we read today: "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them." (Luke 6:32)


To Ponder:

  • What challenging thing is happening to you today which you might resolve to use for good?
  • How can you show generosity today, as an expression of Christ's love? 


Holy God, who loves me generously, help me to love generously today. Help me to build bridges instead of walls to connect communities in peace where strangers may become friends. Amen.

Previous Page Thursday 25 January 2024
Next Page Saturday 27 January 2024