Friday 28 May 2010

Bible Book:

"On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink.'" (v.37-38)

John 7:37-39 Friday 28 May 2010


The 'great feast' referred to in this passage is the Feast ofTabernacles (or Booths), which was a Jewish festival rich insymbolism and popular appeal. (It originally celebrated thecompletion of the harvest and commemorated the journey of theJewish people in the wilderness from Egypt to Canaan.) As part ofthe festival, on each of the seven days of the feast a priest drewwater from the pool of Siloam in Jerusalem in a golden flagon andbrought it in procession to the Temple with the joyful sounding ofa trumpet. There, the water was poured into a bowl beside the altarfrom which a tube took it to the base of the altar. Simultaneously,wine was poured through a similar bowl on the other side of thealtar.

The Jerusalem Talmud (a collection of Jewish writings, thought tohave been put together in the 4th or 5th centuries AD) connects theceremonies and this Scripture with the Holy Spirit by asking thequestion "Why is the name of it called, 'The drawing out ofwater'?" and answering "Because of the pouring out of the HolySpirit, according to what is said: 'With joy shall ye draw waterout of the wells of salvation.'"

Jesus' words need to be understood against this background. Up tillnow nothing has been recorded of his teaching at this feast, andhis words in this chapter have so far been replies to theaccusations of his foes. But now, at the culmination of thegreatest feast of the Jewish year, he unfolds its significance interms of the life that he came to bring. He takes the watersymbolism of the feast and presses it into service as he speaks ofthe living water that he will bestow. The people are thinking ofrain and of their bodily need. He turns their attention to the deepneed of the soul and to the way he would supply it.

In chapter 4 of John's Gospel we have had references to the livingwater (verses 13-14), but only here is the explanationgiven of its significance in terms of the Holy Spirit. As weconsider the descending Spirit, so we see another aspect of thenourishment and refreshment that is promised through the Spirit'spower.

To Ponder

Reflect upon the way you live your life. Whatwould life in all its fullness mean to you? Does it challenge youto make any changes?

The slogan of Christian Aid is "We believe inlife before death". What does the concept of bringing life in allits fullness mean for the mission of the Church? Does your localchurch engage in any acts of mission and ministry that seek toenhance the lives of ordinary people? How?

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