Monday 24 December 2018

Bible Book:

‘My soul magnifies the Lord’ (v 46)

Luke 1:46-55 Monday 24 December 2018

Psalm: Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26


When we look into the scriptures it is interesting to note the way different people react when God appears in their lives: Adam and Eve hide, Moses removes his sandals, Jacob builds an altar, Jonah tries to run away. Mary sings a song of praise.

I’ve never really understood how Mary manages to react in this way. Her life is turned upside down; any plans she might have had potentially had been destroyed and yet she is able to sing praise to God. This song comes from deep within her: my soul magnifies the Lord. Paul in his letter to the Romans (8:22) speaks of the groans of creation – but Mary’s song is no groan, it’s a song of joy! Mary knows she has been blessed because God has selected her – despite the potential consequences.

‘Joy to the world the Lord is come ... Let every heart prepare him room.’ I wonder if you feel that joy of being selected and loved deep within you today? Can you comprehend being part of God’s plan? As we follow the Jesus story we come to see that we are indeed part of the plan of God. All are called: male and female, Jew and non-Jew, young and old. The great joy of this Christmas Eve, and of every day, is that God has selected you and me to be part of his great plan to help bring about God’s kingdom here on earth!

As children around the world wait with eager anticipation for Santa to make an appearance, maybe we might consider what our reaction is to God not only showing up but being with us always.


To Ponder:

  • What is your reaction to God alive in you?
  • What song is your soul singing?
  • If others were looking at you today – could they recognise your life as a celebration of that mystery?
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