Monday 30 January 2023

Bible Book:

… You know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. (v. 3)

James 1:1-11 Monday 30 January 2023


We do well to remember that the letter of James was written to a number of fledgling Christian communities, many of whom were experiencing persecution and difficulties at the hands of authorities who were challenged by their presence. The trials of which James writes in verse 3 were actual, real, lived experience for those to whom the letter was originally written.

 It is this aspect of actual, lived and real experience I want to draw our attention to in the light of today’s Bible reading.

I wonder what the words ‘testing of your faith’ bring to your mind?  There could be any number of actual, real, lived experiences you can think of, but for me the importance is that we listen to what Scripture is saying to our own experience in order that we, too, can know something of the endurance of which James writes.

My own testimony in this regard is gritty, recent and real. I moved from one ministry appointment after 13 years as the Superintendent to a new and innovative appointment in senior leadership of a district in August 2022.  As I was beginning the new work, my daily early morning exercise on 8 September ended with me being rushed to hospital. I was admitted for surgery and was signed off from work for almost three months while I recovered from the resulting brain injury. Talk about testing!  I am now back to work full time and delighted to be so, but the weeks of recovery with hours and hours of space and time became a gift of time for reflection and a new understanding of prayer. I also had a deep gratitude for the care of family and the prayers of many which were felt deeply. Thank you if you were one of the pray-ers!

For me, then, the testing of that time has definitely resulted in a new endurance rooted in prayer, fellowship and love. I wonder what your story of trials might be and whether, in reflection, you can discern a new endurance resulting from them?

Listen ‘Here I am waiting’

To Ponder:

  • When feeling tested how do you discern God’s presence?
  • In what ways does the kindness and prayer of others reveal God’s love in testing times?
  • Ask yourself, how can I live so as to offer God’s love to others today? 


Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and everyday. He will either shield you from suffering,  or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagination. (St Francis de Sales 1567-1622)

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