Saturday 19 September 2009

Bible Book:
1 Timothy

"Keep the commandment without spot or blame until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ." (v14)

1 Timothy 6:13-16 Saturday 19 September 2009


The whole of this first letter to the young leader Timothy ispacked full of clear instructions. Guidance is given as to how aChristian leader should live, as well as correct conduct for thelife of an obedient Christian community. In this final instruction,to add weight to his argument, the writer reminds us why we arecalled to live this Christian life within the Church. He givesthree reasons to justify his call to obedience:

1. Jesus is coming in judgement "at the right time".

2. Jesus is an example to Christian leaders of how to behave.

3. We live the Christian life under God, unapproachable and neverseen, but represented here on earth through godly teaching.

The first of these, referring to the time of Jesus' return, is ahot issue then as now. 1 Timothy is written at a time when thereseemed to be a delay in the coming of Jesus. Many people hadexpected him to come before now. The writer rescues thisexpectation by stressing that Jesus will come only at the righttime. Today we might deal with the continued delay in Jesus' returndifferently. Many Christians, for example, recognise the presenceof Jesus in the Lord's Supper and in the life of Christian peoplearound the world, past and present.

As the writer reaches the end of his letter he allows no room fordisagreement. "I charge you" he admonishes. Throughout the letterhe has urged Christians to avoid disputes, dissension andcontroversy. He is determined that this should apply first andforemost to his letter. His style of writing leaves no room fordissent! What is required is obedience to God's authority.

To Ponder

How do we recognise what is authoritative in thelife of the Church today?

In what ways is Christ present today?

In what ways are we still looking for Christ tocome?

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