Saturday 27 October 2007

Bible Book:

"With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before God on high?" (v.6a)

Micah 6:6-8 Saturday 27 October 2007


Micah was speaking about 700-750 years before the birth ofChrist. By this time the people of Israel had split into twokingdoms. During the time he was at work, the capital of Samaria(one of the two kingdoms) had been destroyed by Assyria (one of theneighbouring countries). The people amongst whom Micah was workingwere also feeling the pain of attacks by Assyria.

In these last two chapters of Micah, God is pictured as filing alawsuit against the people. God has called on the mountains andhills as witnesses and reminded the people of the way he has ledand rescued them so often in the past.

What will be their response to God? And what is ours? This is whattoday's verses try to answer. Perhaps sacrifices - animals, theharvest of the land, or even the offering of the firstborn son arewhat God is wanting.

But how can the physical put right what has gone wrong within -"the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul"(verse 7)?

Micah concludes that it is in what the people do and the way theylive that they can meet God's requirements.

To Ponder

How do you come before God? With honesty, alllaid bare?

How can you do justice?

From wrestling with God and with faith, what doyou want to say or bring to God?

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