Sunday 02 September 2007

Bible Book:

"For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted... when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind". (v.11, 13)

Luke 14: 7-14 Sunday 2 September 2007


Quite a lot of the teaching of Jesus is set in the context of ameal. In this passage he gives advice for both guests andhosts. 

Verses 8 -11 are sound common sense. We would not sit at the toptable at a wedding reception without carefully checking the seatingplan first. Jesus was speaking to people who were very concernedabout their status, who would jostle with others for the positionof honour at a meal. 

Luke describes this as a parable, which means that the teaching ismore than just good advice but an expression of the values of God'sKingdom. Verse 11 was a challenge to those who had a high opinionof themselves. It also echoes the words of Mary's song in Luke1:52, "He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, andlifted up the lowly". 

The advice of Jesus to hosts ran counter to the social norm of hisday, which was only to invite those of a similar status to yourselfto a meal, expecting that they would invite you back. The radicaladvice of Jesus, again expressing the values of God's Kingdom, isthat the people to invite are those who cannot reciprocate, thevery people you might wish to avoid.

To Ponder

Can you think of anyone who shows the sort ofhumility expressed in this teaching?

Are there people on the margins of society towhom you should offer hospitality? How would you go about doingthis?

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