Sunday 04 July 2021

Bible Book:

He ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics. (vs 8-9)

Mark 6:1-13 Sunday 4 July 2021

Psalm 123


Jesus gives striking instructions to his disciples as he sends them out on mission. They are only to take the very basic things they need. There is here, at the heart of the call to follow Jesus, a distinctive attitude towards material possessions. Everything that is not necessary and might get in the way of the task is set aside. There is also common sense: the disciples may still take  a staff for support and sandals to wear on their feet. Although in Luke 9:3 and Matthew 10:10 Jesus rules even these out, here in Mark’s Gospel the staff and the sandals suggest that this is not about doing without things for the sake of discipline itself, but that the mission is primary. The aim (verses 12-13) is to get on with proclaiming that ‘all should repent’ (turn towards God), ‘cast out demons’ (stand up against evil) and anoint with oil and cure those who are sick.

If people now are called to follow Jesus, it is to be expected that the mission they are given to pursue will to some extent be similar. They will be calling other people to turn to God, standing up against evil and caring for those in need. We can expect them also to need to work out what things are essential to help with their mission, and what will just get in the way. It may not be sandals and a staff that 21st century Christians decide to hold on to (a mobile phone though may be useful to make contact with people). Whatever it is that they need to hang on to, there will be many things that they can also relinquish. So many material possessions do not help with the basic tasks of Christian mission and most can get in the way somehow or other.

To Ponder:

  • What would you identify as essential items and what would you decide to let go of?
  • How do you encounter those three key activities in your daily life – calling other people to turn to God, standing up against evil and caring for those in need?


We pray that God will "open to us a door for the word", that we may declare the mystery of Christ, so that we may reveal it clearly. Amen  (based on Colossians 4:3-4)

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