Sunday 09 January 2011

Bible Book:

"This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased." (v. 17)

Matthew 3:13-17 Sunday 9 January 2011


We are hardly recovered from Christmas and suddenly thelectionary launches us into Jesus' adult ministry. It's a goodthing to do. Too often we leave the baby in the manger for toolong. Here we find Jesus getting involved in a renewal meeting downby the river Jordan.

John is an old-fashioned preacher - eccentric and prophetic;calling the people to repentance for their sins as a preparationfor God's arrival. It has echoes of all that God has done for God'speople in the past and being at the side of the Jordan, remindsIsrael of both their crossing into the Promised Land and theirexile from it.

John is a signpost to Jesus. As such, when Jesus comes to bebaptized by him, John is at first reticent, acknowledging his ownneed for Baptism. Jesus insists that it needs to be done. Like thewoman at the well in John4, Jesus puts himself in a position of need - he needssomething this other person can give him. Christian service isoften from a place of need rather than a place of plenty.

As Jesus rises from the water of Baptism, the real point of thestory begins - heaven opens, a dove descends, and a voice declaresthe true identity of Jesus. There is a real sense of the Trinityhere - but also of both creation (theSpirit brooding over the waters) and the second coming (theheavens open). The voice affirms Jesus at the very start of hisministry and before he travels into the wilderness. This is indeedthe son of God. This affirmation paves the way for the Gospel storywhich follows and provides the reader with a key to understand whothis enigmatic figure really is.

To Ponder

Consider what happened in between Christmas andthis reading - what might has Jesus have gone through in theintervening years?

In your own engagement with other people as youshare the gospel (good news) with them, what opportunities do yougive people to share with you?

"You are my beloved Son" - God's affirmation isnot just for Jesus. Through Jesus and in many times through theBible, God shows his love for all humanity. Wesley asserted we toocould know that affirmation. To what extent have you allowed God'slove to encircle you?

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