Sunday 12 March 2023

Bible Book:

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. (v. 24)

John 4:5-42 Sunday 12 March 2023


While visiting a church in Germany, twinned with our local church, the group was taken to see a park with displays representing biblical accounts. I was struck by the representation of this passage showing a jar left behind at the well. Whenever I read this passage the image pops into my mind. Everyone leaves something behind in this account. The opening tells that Jesus and the disciples have left behind Jewish land to pass through Samaria. Jesus leaves behind convention when he begins a conversation with the woman.

John packs so many crucial images in these verses. Jesus speaking to a woman (vs 7-9), the living water (vs 10-15), the description of her life (vs 16-19), the discussion on worship (vs 22-24), the disciples return and a discussion on harvest (vs 31-38), the Samaritans believe (vs 39-42). Each deserves a reflection on its own.

However, left behind is my reflection today. The jar for retrieving the water from the well is left behind as the woman rushes back to the city. Is this an example of the living water flowing in her life already? Transformation in her life begins with the encounter with Jesus. This is true for each of us. Just as that transformation is not for us alone, likewise it is not for her alone. She persuades others to leave the town and come to listen. At first, they are unsure but later they believe for themselves. Their transformation begins and they leave behind their preconceptions and recognise “the Saviour of the world” (v. 42).

In the middle of this passage John places a conversation where Jesus speaks of the disciples who have left behind their former existence. What began with the call to follow, is emphasised in the work they are now called to.

The central words in this passage are the call to worship God in spirit and truth. This is still a challenge to us to leave behind all that prevents the offering of true worship of God.


To Ponder:

  • What do we need to let go of to grow in our faith as we follow Jesus?
  • Who will we share the good news with this week?
  • How can our worship be both truthful and filled with the Spirit?

PrayerGracious God, as we offer our worship this day, may we be leave behind all that pulls us back and offer what we have in spirit and truth.

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