Sunday 13 September 2015

Bible Book:

“Who do people say that I am? … But who do you say that I am?” (vv. 27, 29)

Mark 8:27-38 Sunday 13 September 2015

Psalm: Psalm 116


"Who do people say that I am?" - a straight forward question toa group of people who are named in Mark's Gospel as Jesus'disciples: their reply shows that they had been listening to thefolk who had gathered around Jesus as they had journeyed together.They list the various descriptions they had heard - John theBaptist, Elijah, and some of the prophets (verse 28). It must havebeen a very friendly and straight forward conversation but then thecrunch comes, "Who do you say that I am?". And there is only one ofthe group, Peter, who gives an answer "You are the Messiah" thepromised one. It would have been good to hear what the others gaveas their answer to this very straight forward question.

In the next few verses we might ponder as to whether Jesus isactually issuing them with a warning about the days ahead, hespells out clearly what is going to happen to him, much to thedismay and disbelief of Peter (if not the whole group), and it isclear that Peter hasn't fully understood what his declarationmeant. It would seem that in Peter's eyes the Messiah would beuntouchable and never put in a position of rejection and danger,Jesus response could be thought of as harsh "Get behind me Satan!for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on humanthings" (v. 33).

It would have been interesting to ask again the same questionJesus had asked earlier, after he had gone on to teach them aboutwhat was to happen to him in the days to come, and when they arechallenged with the words "If any want to become my followers, letthem deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" (v.34). If we had read on a little further in Mark's Gospel (Mark9:2-8), we would see how three of the disciples had Peter'sanswer confirmed when they were taken by Jesus on to the mount ofTransfiguration. Peter, James and John were puzzled at what theysaw there and wondered what they should do. The text says that theywere terrified, and it is then that they hear the voice "This is mySon, the Beloved, listen to him" (Mark9:7). They have their faith strengthened and are prepared forwhat is to come, although told not to share that experience withanyone at that time.

To Ponder

  • If Jesus asked you "Who do you say that I am?", what would youranswer would be? Would you, like Peter be able to affirmimmediately that Jesus was the promised Messiah with all that thatentails, or would you be more inclined towards the words of thehymn 'What a friend we have in Jesus'?
  • What do you think it means when Jesus says his followers haveto take up the cross and follow him?
  • Do you think those who heard Jesus that day would have fullyunderstood what he was saying to them? Why?
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