Sunday 15 November 2009

Bible Book:

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. This is but the beginning of the birth pangs." (v.8)

Mark 13:1-8 Sunday 15 November 2009


It is easy to read this passage and the rest of the chapter anddraw the conclusion that Jesus is speaking about the end of theworld. But don't worry - it isn't the end of the world! Jesus isbeginning to respond to the disciples' question from verse 4. Thedisciples have commented about the Temple: "Look, Teacher, whatlarge stones," they say. Jesus responds that the stones will not bestanding so proud in due course. The disciples ask him what will bethe signs of these happenings? Jesus describes the signs that willaccompany the demise of the Temple and, of course, this happened inAD 70 when the Roman General Titus laid seize to Jerusalem.

Jesus ends by saying that this will be the "beginnings of the birthpangs".

The words "birth pangs" may seem rather strange to the westernaudience (as the Bible often does!) but to the Jew this spoke ofGod bringing to birth a new creation. This is a new world with anew world order as spoken of by the prophets where God's rule wouldbe finalised. However, this birth is not yet complete: Jesus speaksof birth pangs - delivery of the baby is yet to come.

Jesus seemed to believe that he was God's vehicle in bringing thisnew world to birth - starting with the birth pangs and leading to anew world where God's rule of justice, mercy and peace would benormal and reflected in the life of God's own people - us. "Yourkingdom come ... on earth as in heaven" would finally be thecase... everywhere.

In the meantime we are called to live out this rule not as anorphan - one who is left to themselves - but in the power of God'sSpirit, as one of God's own adopted children.

To Ponder

As we open ourselves to God's rule in our lives,God changes our hearts and lives to be more Christlike. Considerthese changes as "birth pangs" pointing to the way things will bein the new creation.

Identify kingdom actions and lifestyle in thepresent age - are they normal or supernatural? Why? Why do you seethe action of God in them?

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