Thursday 20 April 2017

Bible Book:

“My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and all flesh will bless his holy name for ever and ever.” (v. 21)

Psalm 145 Thursday 20 April 2017

Psalm: Psalm 145


The book of Psalms consists of 150different chapters. The language is essentially poetic in nature.Many of the psalms were attributed by David, but there were otherwriters as well. One of the characteristics of the psalms is thatthey are often very personal. They speak of praise, of lament, ofdespair and of confession. It is important to remember that theywere written by human beings.

Psalm 145 is a psalm of praise. Itacknowledges God as king and the fact that God is unsearchable(verse 2), that is, we cannot fully understand God. In verse 8 thepsalmist acknowledges the grace of God. It quotes Exodus34:6-7 where God told Moses that God was slow to anger. Thepsalm also acknowledges that God's kingdom is everlasting (verse13) and that all generations shall know about it. It alsoacknowledges God's providence and God's creativity. Verses 15 and16 are reminiscent of Matthew 6:25-33 where Jesus taught that thebirds of the air and the lilies of the field do not worry aboutanything. The psalmist experiences God as a God who is close to allthose who call on God's name.

The psalm concludes with the writersaying that so great is God that the psalmist cannot keep thisknowledge to themselves. It must be proclaimed so that everyone mayhear.

The psalms are not predictions of thefuture. However, as one reads this psalm, one is reminded of thefact that God's everlasting kingdom (reign) was fulfilled in thecoming of Christ. And Christ gave new hope in his death andresurrection.

To Ponder

  • How do you respond to the psalmist saying that their mouth willspeak the praises of the Lord?
  • How easy/difficult is it for us to speak the praises of God notonly in church, but in our interaction with other people? Why?
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