Tuesday 01 October 2013

Bible Book:

"You cannot serve God and wealth." (v.24)

Matthew 6:19-34 Tuesday 1 October 2013


As Jesus delivers the radical teaching we know as the Sermon onthe Mount, who does he see around him? What might theirexpectations be? Social historians root the answers to thesequestions amongst the rural poor of Palestine.

The 'Jesus movement' was primarily a movement of the poor - a factand a challenge long recognised by liberation theology (whichrecognises Jesus as the liberator of the oppressed). What Jesuswould have seen in the faces and lives of his closest followers andthose of the attendant crowd was low social prestige and even lesseconomic power. These people knew all too well the harsh realitiesof servitude, slavery and impoverishment.

The Gospels lead us to believe that often, around the edges, lurkedmembers of the wealthy ruling elite and their representatives,powerful and watchful of this danger in their midst. So Jesus'words have a sharp cutting edge for his own society and forours.

Jesus is quite explicit about the reversal of social destinieswhich the coming kingdom of God will usher in. The last will befirst, and the first, last. The rich will be empty. God'scompassion has political consequences. No wonder Jesus was seen tobe such a threat. The word translated as "wealth" comes from theHebraic (Hebrew) and Aramaic word 'mammon' which means 'riches andpossessions'. Jesus' teaching is unambiguous and direct.

The Sermon on the Mount hammers home the point that our securityand esteem is to be found in God's love for us and in living livesrooted in kingdom values - not in the pursuit of wealth and things.That way closes us off to God and to one another, becauseinevitably, it is our interests which matter most and notGod's.

In contrast, striving to fulfil God's way leads us to each otherand to God, as Matthew emphasises later - "Truly I tell you, justas you did it to one of the least of these who are members of myfamily, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40).

To Ponder

  • In what ways are you both comforted and threatened by Jesus'words? Why?
  • In his sermon on the use of money, John Wesley says that we are"to gain all we can without hurting our neighbour". He goes on toexhort us to "give all you can". How do his words challenge you asyou seek to serve God?
  • What insights does Jesus' teaching offer in the search forsolutions to issues such as climate change, world trade andsustainable development?
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