Tuesday 14 May 2013

Bible Book:

“Then they prayed and said, ‘Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which one of these two you have.’” (v. 24)

Acts 1:15-26 Tuesday 14 May 2013

Background: Chosen in prayer

In today's passage, we drop in on Peter taking the lead on animportant issues: finding someone to replace Judas. It is worthremembering that this is the same Peter who had opted to return tohis previous career of fishing, when Jesus' had not been scooped upa sky-full of angels, but had died horrifically. It is also thesame Peter who was included when Jesus appeared to the remainingdisciples after his resurrection. It is this Peter that weencounter, sensitively explaining what had happened, and whatprocess needed to be to fill the vacancy that Judas' demise hadcreated.

Evidently, Peter and the other disciples had learnt a thing ortwo about recruitment and selection, and so they avoided themistake of judging by appearances. History would also have shownthem that heritage - be it family or social status - wereinsufficient too. So, instead of looking for a tall, good-looking,wealthy replacement who might fit in with them or stand out for allthe wrong reasons, they drew up a shortlist based on essentialcriteria of character, experience and testimony. Then, and perhapsmost importantly, they pray for discernment in the selectionprocess. They cast their lots - or votes - and Matthias was addedto the 11 disciples.

Elements of this process are evident in organisations today, bethey a church, charity or private company. Whether the process iscomplex or simple, at the heartbeat of a sound recruitment andretention process there is usually the desire to match people withthe opportunities and roles that make the most of their abilitiesand experience. To be effective, the process should be robustenough to guide those doing the choosing, and to engagemeaningfully with those who could be chosen. Peter led thisprocess, and as if realising that essential criteria were notenough, he invited those who were making the decision with him topray for God to show them who had been chosen. Peter's action seemto have set a precedent and a pattern that others have followedboth in making personal choices and public appointments too.

To Ponder

  • What role does prayer play when you are making choices?
  • How does Peter's example encourage you to pray?
  • Who would you consider praying with/for as they makechoices?
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