Monday 03 December 2012

Bible Book:

"The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord." (v. 2)

Isaiah 11:1-4 Monday 3 December 2012


This poem that goes through toverse 9 has taken on a deep significance over many centuries and indifferent faith traditions. Jesse is the father of David, the greatking who reigned over a unified Israel about a 1,000 years beforeChrist's birth.

Within the Islamic traditionDavid is seen as one of the major prophets sent by God to guide theIsraelites. In the Jewish and Christian world, David is seen as amighty king who brought stability and unity to the tribes of Israeland governed them as one nation, but what is significant for us, atthe beginning of advent, is a strong belief that the Messiah, theanointed one of God, would come from the House of David.

In Isaiah's poem past, presentand future collide. For the stump of Jesse is David, the mightyking of old; it is also the hope of a promised messiah from theline of David; and today it is the one who came and is to come -Jesus, who is from the house of David.

This hope for a great leader thatwould bear all the qualities listed in verses 2-4 is surprisinglyresilient. Even though David and many other kings never quitemeasured up to this list it did not stop Israel longing for thatkind of leader. For Christians, they recognise those qualitiesoffered here as the character of Jesus. It is in him thatChristians find their perfect king, their true leader.

So in this ancient poem wediscover something of the enormity and mystery of Jesus. For he isthe one who is longed for; he is the one who is expected; he is theone who will lead his kingdom with wisdom, understanding, counsel,might and with righteousness; and he is the one who is rooted inhistory - the stump of Jesse.

To Ponder

  • How would you describe Jesus? What qualities would youuse?
  • Why do you think Israel longed for such a leader? Who might belooking for such a leader today?
  • If it is true that we are called to be like Jesus - how do welive up to those qualities outlined in verses 2-4?

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