Monday 08 July 2013

Bible Book:

“At that time the Lord said to me, ‘Carve out two tablets of stone like the former ones, and come up to me on the mountain, and make an ark of wood. I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets, which you smashed, and you shall put them in the ark.’” (10:1-2)

Deuteronomy 9:22-10:11 Monday 8 July 2013


Today's passage carries on from the preceding week as we workour way through the book of Deuteronomy, following the story ofMoses as he lead the Israelites through the wilderness. The eventsthat happened shaped the people into the nation that they were tobecome and echo down through the centuries. Their actions,reactions and emotions are common to the human condition.

Just before this passage, Moses discovers therebelliousness of the people. He had left them for forty daysand nights and during that period has received the tencommandments. On returning he discovers that they have made an idolin the form of a golden calf (Deuteronomy 9:16), breaking the secondcommandment (Exodus 20:4-6). Whether he breaks the tabletsof stone (10:2) out of frustration, or as a symbolic action showingthe breaking of the commandments, it is not clear. Eitherinterpretation is possible.

Now as their leader, Moses has to take charge. And he does sothrough prayer, remonstrating with God, appealing for mercy andbegging for forgiveness. It is not just a prayer in words,heartfelt though they may be (try reading them aloud), but inphysicality as Moses lay prostrate before the Lord.

God's response after that time is to call for two new tablets ofstone in order to write out the commandments again. Here is God'scall to obedience (again). And the passage ends with God'sinstructing Moses "Get up, go on your journey at the head of thepeople, that they may go in and occupy the land that I swore totheir ancestors to give them" (10:11).

To Ponder

  • Moses lays prostrate before the Lord. How do you use your bodyin prayer? Do you find it easy or difficult? Or something you havenever tried?
  • How important is obedience in your discipleship? Are somethings easier to obey than others? What might they be?
  • Despite all that happens, all that you may do, God does notabandon you or the promise that is made to you (cf Isaiah43:1-7). How do you respond?

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Next Page Tuesday 09 July 2013