Sunday 18 November 2012

Bible Book:

"This is but the beginning of the birth pangs." (v. 8)

Mark 13:1-8 Sunday 18 November 2012


I was very thankful when my two children were born.Unlike when Iwas born, Fathers are now encouraged to be at the birth. What awonderful experience on both occasions. I have never been at thebirth of anyone else's children: my experience is limited to my ownclose family. How different to the time of Jesus, when in theordinary world of the ancient Middle East, a good deal of intimatefamily life goes on in a semi-public world. Everyone knows everyoneelse's business; children grow up knowing by direct contact the waybabies are born and the pain it takes for a woman to givebirth.

In today's passage as Jesus and the disciples left the temple,they commented upon its magnificence (verse 1). Herod's temple wasfamous. It was a wonderful building, and yet Jesus speaks of itsdestruction (verse 2). The disciples are disturbed. They ask whenit is to take place (verse 4). The disciples assume that somethingcatastrophic will cause the temple to be destroyed. But Jesus knowsthat he will not be with his disciples for much longer. And theywill face what he's about to face because they are his followers(verses 5-8). Many Christians today face persecution as severe asthe early Church: just as giving birth is painful, so followingJesus today can also be painful.

To Ponder

  • Try to recall a painful experience you have had. What did itfeel like?
  • Following Jesus can at times be difficult. Name a time when ithas been like that for you.
  • Following Jesus can also be a joy. Name a time when it has beenjoyful for you.
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