Thursday 07 December 2023

Bible Book:
1 Thessalonians

We dealt with each one of you like a father with his children. (v. 11)

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Thursday 7 December 2023

Psalm 36:5-12


Let's look at today's text in detail:

Verse 9. The church at Philippi more than once contributed cash gifts to support the mission in Thessalonica (Philippians 4:16). In general, however, Paul insisted that his mission team members must earn their keep, as well as preach the gospel and build up the faith of the converts. Consequently they had no time for leisure: it was ‘labour and toil, night and day’. (According to Acts 18:3 Paul was a tentmaker, or leather worker; we do not know the trades of the other two evangelists: Silvanus and Timothy.)

Verse 10. This repeats one of Paul’s core themes: the personal integrity of the evangelists. They ‘lived’ the gospel they proclaimed, refusing to exploit or make demands of the converts. The Thessalonian Christians and God were witnesses to that. ‘Pure, upright and blameless’ are three overlapping words describing the conduct and attitudes of Paul and his colleagues.

Verses 11-12. These introduce a new metaphor for the missioners’ relationship to the congregation: they helped (‘urging, encouraging, pleading’) each believer individually, as a father would engage with his children, to enable them to grow into ‘a life worthy of God’. This was the necessary preparation for what was shortly to come, for they had a standing invitation to share in God’s glorious kingdom a new life that would transcend earthly limitations and struggles. 

Verse 13. Paul gives a further reason (‘also’) for offering constant thanks to God. When the evangelists spoke in everyday language what they believed was the word of God, the converts in Thessalonica did not simply hear secular messages and hopes. They discerned through the evangelists' words the truth. they were hearing nothing less than the word of God, it was a communication to each person from hidden depths. This was more than something simply heard, it was a spiritual energy bringing about change in their hearts.


To Ponder:

  • In your view, would it help or hinder the Christian mission today if all church leaders (ordained and lay) earned their own keep? What is to be done if the costs of running church buildings and Christian ministries becomes a burden on a congregation?
  • Reflect on two or three experiences in your life when you have been convinced that you have heard the word of God addressing you personally. When did you last share such moments with other members of your congregation? Have they shared such experiences with you?

As well as 'Word in Time', the Methodist Church is running daily email Advent reflections as part of its 'Out of the Ordinary' campaign. If you would like  to sign up for them, click here.

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