Tuesday 26 December 2023

Bible Book:

‘You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are forever opposing the Holy Spirit.' (v. 51)

Acts 7:51-60 Tuesday 26 December 2023

Psalm 13


Today we take a quantum leap from yesterday's account of the birth of Jesus to the death of someone who believed in him.

Today is the feast day of Stephen, the first Christian martyr who died in 36 AD. He has been accused, in essence, of blasphemy and is brought before the authorities to state his case. He draws for them a picture of the history of the people and their relationship with God through the ages.

He highlights the stubbornness and faithlessness of the people and their leadership. He accuses his listeners of the same stiff-necked and stubborn behaviours which have caused a rift between God and God's people so many times before.

Stephen goes on to accuse the leaders of not recognising God at work in their midst – of killing the very one that God sent, and for whom they had been waiting through the centuries. He accuses them of betraying and killing Jesus.

 Such accusations and parallels incense and anger the authorities so Stephen is dragged out to be stoned to death – the expected sentence for blasphemy.

Showing no fear at his impending death, Stephen further angers his tormentors by describing the glimpse he has of heaven and then praying that God will forgive them for their actions.

He is duly killed. There is one small and somewhat chilling sentence later in Acts 8 "And Saul [the coat keeper for the event] approved of their killing him." (8:1)


To Ponder:

  • When have you been falsely accused of something? How did your faith help you?


Lord, keep our ears and eyes ever open for your presence in even the direst of situations and offer us the strength and comfort of your peace and love when we are hurting at the hands of others. Amen.

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