Wednesday 13 June 2012

Bible Book:

"I tell you, to all those who have, more will be given; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away." (v. 26)

Luke 19:11-27 Wednesday 13 June 2012


It was usual in Roman times for a king to travel to Rome to beappointed. People hearing this parable would have been familiarwith Archelaus travelling to Rome for that very reason after Herodthe Great died. Jesus tells this parable in that context but usesit to teach about God's kingdom. Jesus, represented by the king inthe parable, was teaching that the fullness of his kingdom wouldnot be immediate: instead that he needed to leave but wouldeventually return. In the parable the king's servants areresponsible for his kingdom while he is not there. Ten servantseach receive a mina, approximately three months wages, and aregiven the task to put that money to work. The king here trusts hisservants, just as God trusts people to work for God until God'sreturn. The king was rejected, just as Jesus would be by thepeople: nevertheless he returned as king, just as Jesus will oneday return in glory.

The test the servants were given is examined by the king on hisreturn and with it comes judgement. The reward for the servants whoworked hard was more responsibility. Living a life of faith is nota passive activity. It is about working for God, serving with allthat has given to us. The parable makes it clear that God willresource us, it is what we do with those resources that matter.God's work is about growth and expansion, not about holding ontofaith so that it is just for ourselves and we do nothing with it.The third servant in the parable is judged for doing just that; hewas held back by fear and misunderstanding. The parable makes itclear that those who use what they have been given for the good ofthe God's kingdom will receive more so that they continue in thiswork. But those who do not work for the growth of the kingdom willnot be rewarded.

To Ponder

What 'resources' has God given you to work forthe kingdom?

The servants increased the money they were given- this may have been due to hard work, enterprise and risk taking.What risks do you think the Church needs to take in its work?

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