
The Revd Simon Topping has written a series of blogs on the theology of climate justice. The aim is to help ground the climate crisis, and our responsibilities as Christians to address it, in the Bible. We hope it will be useful for individuals and churches alike in the lead up to the COP26, a vital UN Conference on climate change taking place in late 2021.

The new paradigm - A call for a new way of thinking about climate justice.

From subduing to tilling and keeping - How we might develop a healthy theology of climate justice. 

End of the world or a harvest for all? How the way we see the relationship between earth and heaven guides our understanding of climate justice.

A common treasury - A warning that the actions of some are threatening the benefit of our last remaining commons for all.

A fair balance - How our present relationship with the land, sea and air (and fellow human beings) is unbalanced and that the call for rebalancing in favour of sustainability that can be found  in the Bible, offers a guide for climate justice.

Sufficiency - In his final blog, Simon encourages us to model the spirit of sufficiency or “enoughness” in our daily living and to actively challenge the “rich fool” economics which is leading to climate disaster.