Friday 13 January 2023

Bible Book:
1 John

Children, it is the last hour! As you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. From this we know that it is the last hour. (v. 18)

1 John 2:18-21 Friday 13 January 2023


The word ‘antichrist' I confess conjures up (rather too quickly) images from popular horror fiction such as The Exorcist. The antichrist after all, has been the stuff of myth and the macabre ever since cinema was invented.  It’s unusual, therefore, to meet such language in the Bible. 

In fact this letter is the only time in the Bible that such language is used. Antichrist describes those who have left the community (those who are 'of the world', from the last few verses) rather than some cosmic personality from Hollywood. The community receiving the letter would have understood these early verses to be about those who oppose the developing doctrine of Jesus’ incarnation. It is a theological criticism made of those who have left the community. There is a sense here that those who have left are threatening the stability of the whole community; so there is foreboding for the remaining community members: how can they stay certain and sure in their developing understanding of who Christ was?

For the writer, the key to being part of the community is that the Spirit has ‘anointed’ them – they have been blessed and set apart by experience and knowledge of the love of God in Jesus. This is far from a judgement – these verses are encouraging those who have been hurt or humiliated by others within the community to stay true to what they already know.

It’s encouraging to realise that even in the earliest Christian communities, there were debates over beliefs and practices which were so painful and divisive that letters were written (and later canonised) to help those who had been made to feel foolish or publicly shamed for their understanding. 1John invites the remaining members of the community to stay firm in what they know.  Looking back to chapter 1 – this knowledge comes through all of their senses.  Truth and knowledge are not limited to the mind and mental acuity.


To Ponder:

    • What comes to mind when you think of antichrists?
    • How do you understand the doctrine that Jesus is both human and divine? Is one easier for you that the other? Why?
    • These few verses are about truth and heresy. What part of the Christian faith do you honestly struggle to believe is true?


God of truth and knowledge, take our mustard-seed sized faith and grow it into boughs of inquiry and interest. May what we know to be true now, only the be the start of deeper revelations of your love and grace. Heal us where we have been hurt in the breakdown of communities, and may we be careful with our language about other people. Amen.

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