Friday 20 June 2008

Bible Book:
2 Thessalonians

"May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ." (v.5)

2 Thessalonians 2:13 - 3:5 Friday 20 June 2008


Thessalonica was a prosperous city in the Roman province ofMacedonia. It was an important seaport and it stood on the EgnatianWay, the Roman highway from Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) to theAdriatic coast (and to Rome itself beyond the Adriatic). Now calledSalonika, it is the second largest city in modern Greece.

Acts 17 describes how Paul and Silas brought the gospel (good news)to Thessalonica. Their preaching made a big impact in the city,initially attracting Jews, devout Greeks and some of theinfluential women of the community. Opposition soon broke outhowever, forcing Paul and Silas to withdraw and leaving thefledgling Christian Church to cope without experiencedleadership.

Although there is always some disagreement among scholars, a goodcase can be made for suggesting that both of Paul's letters to theThessalonians were written in the early 50s AD, not long after hisvisit to Thessalonica. 2 Thessalonians is addressed from Paul,Silas and Timothy, and it seeks to encourage a small,recently-formed church which is facing considerable pressure fromoutside, as well as questions from within about issues of faith andpractice.

Paul reminds the Thessalonians of what God has done for them inJesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. As recipients of thegospel, they have been chosen for salvation, sanctification andglory. In other words, to be set free from evil and its power, tobe made holy and to be given a share in the life of God. Thisreminder brings them comfort and hope in their troubles.

Paul also urges the Thessalonians to persevere in faith and life,to hold fast to the teaching they have received and to be sure toput it into practice. He assures them of God's faithfulness,strength and love and he reminds them of the example of JesusChrist.

To Ponder

When you are under pressure, where do you turnfor encouragement?

What does it mean to you to be chosen forsalvation?

Who needs your prayers and encouragementtoday?

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