Friday 21 April 2023

Bible Book:

Praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. (v. 47)

Acts 2:42-47 Friday 21 April 2023


There is a lot to take in in this short but poignant Bible passage, but overall I think the writing is a set of instructions on how to live a God-centred life, which overlaps with the principles shared in A Methodist Way of Life.

A Methodist Way of Life encourages us all to grow in faith, love and community through making 12 actions part of our everyday life: daily prayer; worshipping regularly; noticing God’s presence; caring for ourselves and others; learning about our faith; practising hospitality; serving the community; caring for God’s creation; challenging injustice; telling others of the love of God; living in ways that introduce people to Jesus; and sharing our faith with others. They result in strong and life-changing ways of encountering God which occur wherever you are: at home, in the market, at church, anywhere.

I believe following A Methodist Way of Life is extremely important in our current society where everything is so quick and confusing that we can sometimes lose sight of God’s presence until we are back in church. An important aspect of A Methodist Way of Life is to find time in your day to continue to notice God. One way I do this is through scheduling time in my work diary to read a passage of scripture daily, and although I do not manage it every day, I know God is proud because I try. Also, being able to meet in homes instead of churches can help people who are newly discovering faith because they have the opportunity to ask questions in a familiar space. This is my main takeaway from today’s passage: even though you may not be able to find time to tune in to God, God always finds time for you and will wait until you are ready.

 You can read more about A Methodist Way of Life here.

To Ponder:

  • Which of the A Methodist Way of Life commitments do you already do?
  • How can you support someone else undertaking A Methodist Way of Life?


God of all, we notice and adore you. Today we ask you to care for all those participating in A Methodist Way of Life, we pray for all those thinking of participating in it, and we pray for all those who do not know what A Methodist Way of Life is. Please help us to support and nurture everyone’s discipleship in your holy name. Amen.

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