Monday 07 August 2023

Bible Book:

While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were terrified as they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, ‘This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!’ (vs 34-35)

Luke 9:28-36 Monday 7 August 2023

Psalm 47


When I was younger, I thought I had been renamed ‘cloth ears’ as conversations with parents, grandparents and teachers often began ‘Come along cloth ears’ or ‘Oi cloth ears!’ This was totally justified and well earned; and I was still deserving of it well into my teens. 

The term originated in the cotton mills of the late 19th century and was a reference to the loss of hearing that people often suffered due to the high noise levels (in the days before health & safety regulations).

But unlike the mill workers, I had no excuse not to hear what was being said to me. Often it was just that I was so distracted that I wouldn’t be listening. Sometimes I wouldn't listen because I was bored when someone (normally a teacher) was speaking. At other times I thought I knew better and stopped listening to people. Strangely this became more common as I moved through my teenage years.

What I do remember is that if something caught my attention, something special or out of the ordinary, then I would listen intently and would often learn something new or be able to do something better. This is a natural human condition, and most people will pay attention, and remember more, when their senses are stimulated.

The Transfiguration, which we read about today, would have been one of those moments in the life of Peter, John and James, a moment when something out of the ordinary happened and grabbed their attention. By this time, they had been with Jesus for a while and were used to extraordinary things happening around them. This, however, was something else – something beyond what they had previously experienced. They witnessed a light coming from within Jesus, Moses and Elijah turned up, and then the voice of God came from the cloud. It is no wonder they were terrified.

Of all the things that God could have said that day the words chosen were ‘listen to him’. I would have preferred it if God had prefixed it with 'Oi cloth ears!'

There are times when we are so busy, distracted, frustrated, over-confident, etc, that we stop listening and we need something to bring our focus back to what is important. The Transfiguration is a moment when the true nature of Christ was revealed. It was a moment to stimulate the senses and bring a new sense of wonderment, a moment to break through all those moments that keep us from seeing the true glory of the risen and ascended Messiah.


To Ponder:

  • When was the last time you heard God speaking to you, and what is stopping you hearing the still small voice of God?
  • Think about how much time you give God. Do you give God enough time to speak to you or do you rush through your prayers without being quiet long enough to let God speak?
  • Music helps me to centre myself on God. What brings transformation into your prayer time?


Loving God, we thank you for Christ who was wonderfully transfigured before chosen witnesses upon the mountain. Help us to see the true glory of your risen and ascended son, help us to make space so that we can hear your voice calling to us. Amen.

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