Monday 12 May 2008

Bible Book:

"Then afterwards I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit". (v.28-29)

Joel 2:18-29 Monday 12 May 2008


The first half of the book of Joel paints a bleak picture. Aplague of locusts has devastated the land to an extent that had notpreviously been experienced. The prophet Joel gives a vividdescription of wholesale destruction. Life's basic necessities havefailed and the people feel the weight of this crisis. As Joel tellsus "surely, joy withers away among the people".

In this difficult situation Joel urges the people to "cry out tothe Lord" (1:14) and to turn to God in their time of distress. Whatthis will involve is described in some detail in the versesimmediately before today's reading.

It is in verse 18 that a turning point is reached and God's savingaction is pronounced. Joel proclaims words of restoration and ofhope. God's actions will be seen in the healing and renewal of theland. Crops will grow again and the people will "eat in plenty andbe satisfied" (verse 26).

In addition to this restored physical harvest, Joel proclaims thatthere will be a harvest of the Spirit. There will be a day whenGod's Spirit will be poured out on all flesh and lives will betransformed.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter, filled with the new wine of theHoly Spirit, spoke to the crowd. He explained (Acts 2:14-18) thatwhat the crowd were witnessing was not drunkenness but a fulfilmentof the prophetic words of Joel.

For both Joel and Peter, the image of a God who said, "I will pourout my Spirit on all flesh" (Joel 2:28, quoted in Acts 2:17) spokeof a restoring and renewing God who would bring new life, new powerand new hope to a people who found themselves in a difficult anddesolate place.

It is a message of hope for us still today.

To Ponder

Joel spoke of a time when God's Spirit will speakthrough older and younger people, through men and women and eventhrough slaves. How can we ensure that we hear the voice of Godspeaking through those who are not always listened to in the lifeof the Church?

How might the promise proclaimed by Joel refreshareas of your life which seem desolate and dry today? Invite thepouring of the Holy Spirit into your life today.

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