Monday 20 March 2023

Bible Book:

When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. (v. 18)

Matthew 1:18-25 Monday 20 March 2023


What happens during prayer?  Does it take you to a different dimension/magnitude, perhaps a parallel reality, or a dream-like world? Does prayer open an imagined horizon only possible for the one who has faith? As Jesus said: "Everything is possible for the one who believes" (Mark 9:23).

We read today how Joseph was faced with a dilemma for which he had no good solution. Given the context he lived in he might have been led to a very different outcome. Any person operating in the social and cultural reality that he was immersed in is likely to have reacted badly to Mary appearing pregnant at that early stage of their relationship. He might have wanted to break up, even to give her up to public and religious judgment. But guided by a vision of angels in a dream, Joseph was transported to another dimension where he was able to bring things together and accommodate a difficult situation. For his wisdom and ability to not be limited by social conventions, the Church has kept his memory as an example of holiness, maturity, faithfulness and as a family loving male presence, who was never violent but ever supportive.

Enabled by prayer, St Joseph seems to be quite forward-thinking in terms of social customs – for example somehow thinking procreation was not linked to sex. And in political terms he seems quite indomitable. Warned by a dream, very soon Joseph and his family were on the road to self-exile and a hiding place: Egypt. Again, warned by prayer and a dream, they were never to return to their own country, but sought refuge in the mountains of Galilee. What a gift of the Spirit of political discernment and cunning. These are spiritual gifts that challenge political power and social conventions.

Armed with those gifts, St Joseph could have easily said with Charles Wesley, "Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain" (StF 661). It's no surprise then that Jesus, his son by adoption, would have courage, fearlessness and escape and salvation as his great themes. In the words of Jesus himself: "Do not fear, and only believe, and she will be saved." (Luke 8:50)


To Ponder:

  • Being afraid is normal, but what response to fear should be afforded by those who have faith?
  • What do we mean when we say we believe in the power of prayer?
  • We live by faith. Does faith potentially enable the one who prays to move beyond the constraints of their own time and condition?


God of extraordinary things, send us your angels and the gifts of your Spirit so that we may live guided by a light proceeding from your eternal horizon. In the name of Jesus who said he is the gate, we pray. Amen.

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