Monday 24 February 2020

Bible Book:

... I will seek out my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places to which they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. (v. 12b-13)

Ezekiel 34:1-16 Monday 24 February 2020

Psalm: Psalm 145:1-7


The prophet Ezekiel gave a message to those in exile in Babylon which promised return to the land of Israel. In this passage he brings God’s warning against the false shepherds who would destroy the flock; he also reassures his listeners of God’s promise that he will seek out all the lost sheep and will return them to safer pastures.

In today’s world, the warning against false shepherds – who promise easy answers to complex issues and stoke fear and division in the process – seems particularly striking. The challenge is how to identify the false shepherds amongst us and find what is right for the whole flock. In the reading, the false shepherds are those who cause the flock – the community – to scatter, to disintegrate, to lose its shared purpose and common welfare, to scatter as stray individuals who no longer look out for another. Likewise, today’s false shepherds are those who promise easy answers to complex issues and stoke fear and division in the process.

God’s promise is that he will rescue the flock when on a day “of clouds and thick darkness” they become scattered. We too might have become scattered in recent years as we have tried to do what is best for us and neglected what is best for our neighbour too. Part of our calling is to become a flock once again, not scattered by self-importance or fear or by being divided by hateful rhetoric, but one where we look out for one another, knowing that there is One who looks out for all of us.


To Ponder:

  • What role should people of faith have in shaping society’s future?
  • How can you look out for those who feel scattered and make them feel welcome?
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