Monday 26 December 2022

Bible Book:

'You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are forever opposing the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to.' (v. 51)

Acts 7:51–60 Monday 26 December 2022

Psalm 13


December 26th is the feast day of Saint Stephen who died in 36 AD. He was a foreign-born Jew appointed by the Apostles as one of seven deacons, to care for elderly women, widows and orphans. This care work was time-consuming and the appointment of deacons freed the Apostles to spread the word of God. Hellenistic (Greek) Jews had been complaining that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food.

Stephen was clearly charismatic: Acts 6:8 says he was "full of grace and power [and] did great wonders and signs among the people."

 As a Hellenised Jew, Stephen was opposed to the cult of Temple worship which got him into trouble with the Jewish council, and he was hauled up before the authorities. His defence showed that he had a great gift for oratory. Stephen told them they were  ‘stiff-necked’, which was the phrase the Lord used speaking to Moses in Exodus 32:9 when he despaired of the people stubbornly going their own way and worshipping a golden calf. Stephen told the council that in their hearts and ears they were stubbornly blocking the Holy Spirit, ie denying the covenant. He accused them of betraying and murdering the ‘Righteous One’: Jesus Christ. 

The Jewish council had received the law ordained by angels, as it had been given to Moses and had failed to keep it. Stephen continued, saying he had been given a vision of the glory of God in heaven, with Christ at the right-hand side of God. It was too much for the council: they covered their ears and rushed to stone him to death. Stephen imitated the attitude of Jesus in his death, praying for Jesus to receive his spirit and forgiving those who sinned against him. It was witnessed by Saul (later known as Paul) who approved of the killing.


To Ponder:

    • Have you ever (like Saul) been totally convinced you were looking at things in the right way, which justified a strong stand and then had a complete change of heart? How did this change of heart come about? And how did you make amends?
    • Has anyone ever accused you, or your church council, of going through the motions of religion and, by doing so, betraying Christ? What was the outcome?
    • Have you had an experience or vision of heaven, and what was it like? Or how would you imagine heaven if someone asked you to describe it? 


Loving God, root my heart in your presence, that all I say and do may be yours. Amen.

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