Monday 28 May 2012

Bible Book:

"Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig round it and put manure on it." (v. 8)

Luke 13:1-9 Monday 28 May 2012


Today's passage gives a sneak peak at grace - the patience for,and the potential of a second (or another) chance, particularlyafter a disappointment. In the parable, Jesus uses the image of afruitless fig tree, the anticipation of a vineyard owner and theresponse of his gardener to show just how grace works.

The brief exchange of the conversation gives some idea of therelationship between the two people mentioned in the parable. Onewas responsible for the vineyard and decided to plant a fig tree,while the other was accountable for the vineyard's success andwhatever was planted in it. They both had the same expectation ofthe fig tree, a wide-growing rather than tall tree that wouldrespond well to pruning and that which could produce an abundanceof fruit. Their disappointment by its fruitlessness then isunderstandable, but their responses couldn't have been moredifferent.

The owner's response to cut down the fig tree seems justified.After all, if there was no return on the investment, so why wastemore time and effort on it? The gardener had another idea; a bitmore nurture and support for a measurable period, in this case, ayear. Now that sounds more gracious, doesn't it?

But look a little closer at the text. We're not told what theoutcome of this fig tree was, possibly because this was not ahorticultural or agricultural lesson. But if you can see God as thelandowner, then you might just recognise the vineyard as the 'verygood' world that was made in the beginning (Genesis1). If you can see Jesus as the gardener, then you might justhear see him taking care of fallen humanity in that created world;and if you can see Church as the fig tree, then the poignantmessage of the second (or another) chance that Jesus provides forbecomes clearer still.

From creation, God has been demonstrating amazing love for allcreation, and through the Jesus, we now have the gift of amazinggrace.

To Ponder

How have you responded when your plans have notworked out or you have been disappointed or let down bysomeone?

How have you benefited from God's grace toyou?

How will you demonstrate God's grace to otherstoday?

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