Sunday 01 February 2015

Bible Book:

“They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” (v. 22)

Mark 1:21-28 Sunday 1 February 2015

Psalm: Psalm111


In the Gospel of Mark's narrative these verses are near thebeginning of Jesus' ministry, after the calling of the firstdisciples. They illustrate Jesus' unprecedented authority both inteaching and in confronting evil spirits, which astonishes thosearound him. Scribal teaching involved expounding the law given toMoses and discussing its implications, sheltering under itsauthority. Jesus speaks on his own behalf as one sent by God. Thisis what the unclean spirits recognise in him.

Most modern readers can find it difficult to reconcile storiesin the Gospels about demon possession with current understandingsabout mental illness and its treatment. We have to remember thatthe Gospel stories are told with the presuppositions of the time,and in any case are never video recordings of events as theyhappened. Stories told over decades before being written downgather layers of interpretation on the way. Nevertheless it isclear that Jesus did not regard mental illness simply as somethingto be tolerated, and perhaps, in the cases reported to us, was ableby the force of his own personality to bring relief to thesufferers. He saw such conditions as dehumanising.

To Ponder

  • What ministry do you think non-professionals can offer to thosesuffering from mental illness?
  • In what, for you, does the authority of Jesus' teachingconsist?


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